Disclaimer: All the usual rules apply: no one under legal age in his community is permitted here; no one who is offended by the concepts of erotic hypnosis or male/male sexual activity (with a touch of foot fetish) should read further; no resemblance to any real persons or situations is intended nor may any be inferred. Feel free to download this story for your personal enjoyment, but you are forbidden to show it to minors, or to repost it anywhere for profit.

The Hero Sometimes Fails

(To Eigh as a thank you for the fine new hypno-fetish groups)



   Jason Collins had been looking forward to this trip for weeks. It was his first real foray away from home and his parents’ control (not that he objected to his parents exactly, but he was eighteen years old and a high school senior after all, and it was definitely time to try his wings), and he would be seeing his brother Josh for the first time since Josh had gone away to college. Jason missed his older brother fiercely. Only a year apart in age, they had always been extremely close (so close, in fact, that their tendency to meet life in tandem, coupled with their strong family resemblance of nearly identical slate-colored eyes, boyishly handsome faces, light brown hair that they usually wore short, and athletic young bodies, had caused them often, particularly in their early teens, to be mistaken for twins). And now he was finally here! Feeling as though he couldn’t bear to wait another minute before checking in with Josh and starting his exploration of university and town, Jason bounded, two at a time, up the steps leading to the apartment his brother shared with Paul Morales, a fellow member of the school wrestling team.

   Jason pounded exuberantly on the door, but there were no signs of life from within. That was odd. He could have sworn Josh had said that he’d be home waiting for him by now. After a brief pause Jason knocked again, this time calling out, “Hey, Bro, get off your butt and let me in!” Still no response. He tried the door, and to his surprise, although it was locked, there was enough play in the loose latch that he was able to pop it open. He made a mental note to warn Josh about that.

   Jason entered, a little cautiously as the thought belatedly occurred to him that Josh might have a girl in there. (It hurt to think that his brother could have forgotten about his visit even temporarily, but sexual opportunism would be an adequate explanation if he had.) However, as soon as Jason was clear of the door, he could see his brother and, beside him on the couch, another dark-haired boy, presumably Paul. Jason could actually see only the backs of their heads, as he was behind the living area and the couch on which they were seated, and they were facing straight forward watching the television in front of them.

   “Josh, you slug, why didn’t you answer the door?” Jason didn’t care that his annoyance showed in his voice. But neither his brother nor the other boy gave any indication that they’d even heard him. Their eyes remained glued to the tube. What the hell were they watching that was so damn interesting? Jason stepped up closer behind them, and the TV screen became visible beyond the couch. On it a beautiful white and dark red spiral swirled and pulsed, fascinating, compelling, yet as soothing and intimate as a relaxed heartbeat. Jason found his eyes automatically drawn, as though by design, into the warm, always receding center… into the center… the center… the….

   With an absurdly disproportionate feeling of effort he managed to tear his eyes away from the display. “What the fuck is that!?” Jason thought to himself. He had a disquieting feeling that he couldn’t be quite sure how long he’d stood there staring before snapping himself out of it. Surely not more than a couple of minutes? Before it could catch him again, he stepped quickly around in front of the couch to confront his brother… and again stopped in his tracks, his mouth falling open in astonishment at the sight that met his eyes. Josh and Paul sat side-by-side, pants around their ankles, mechanically fondling each other’s hard-ons. Their eyes were wide open, staring unblinking at the screen, their handsome faces completely devoid of expression. Nothing moved but their hands.

   “Bro, what the FUCK is going on!!!” Jason angrily shook his brother and pulled him away from Paul. However, neither Josh nor Paul so much as twitched in acknowledgement. Although they now no longer held each other’s cocks, their empty hands continued to make lazy stroking motions, and their glazed, vacant eyes remained locked on the television screen.

   Jason shot a panicky glance back at the TV. The sweeping spiral immediately began to tug at his attention again. “Shit! No way!” he muttered, and punched the off button. The screen flickered dark and Jason began to shake his brother again. “Jesus, Josh, snap out of it, dude!” he shouted, and then gave Paul a strong shake for good measure.

   First Josh and then Paul began to lose his frozen, dazed expression. Josh looked blearily up at Jason hovering over him. “Hi, Jase,” he said, his speech thick and a little slurred. “Wh-when d’you get here?” Then his gaze dropped to his naked lap. The dreaminess left him with a snap. “Holy fuck!!” Josh scrambled, cheeks burning, to pull up his underwear and jeans. At the same time, Paul began to show some signs of reanimation, which elicited another miserable, shame-filled moan from Josh, as he registered that his handsome roommate was also naked from the waist down. “Fuck…” By this time Paul as well had revived sufficiently to join in the mad scramble to re-clothe himself. He was swearing softly in Spanish, his pretty face screwed up in distress, apparently near tears from embarrassment.

   When Josh and Paul had restored themselves to some degree of order, Jason said, “Okay, now is somebody going to explain what the hell was going on? Dammit, Josh, I know you’re not a faggot! What the fuck were you doing!?”

   “I don’t know,” Josh answered with frustration. “I don’t know why my fucking pants were around my ankles, I don’t know when you showed up, I don’t remember anything about it!” Paul was echoing similar protests. Neither could meet the other’s eyes.

   “It just doesn’t make any sense!” Jason continued. “I mean, that fucking video thing you were hooked on wasn’t even sexy!”

   Both Josh and Paul looked at him, startled. “What video thing?” Josh asked, while Paul added, “TV’s not on, “ in a tone as if that settled the matter.

   Jason just stared at his brother. “When I came in here you were both staring at this weird video while you were… er… well, anyway, it was just a bunch of graphic art stuff, like a spinning spiral gizmo that… sort of… pulsed…” For a moment, as he remembered the scene, Jason felt a wave of dizziness and disorientation, as though he were losing track of his train of thought. Pulling himself together with some effort, he continued, “I couldn’t get any reaction out you at all. It was like you were hypnotized or something!”

  “Hypnotized? No, that was last night,” Josh muttered, sounding as though his brother now were the confused one.

   Jason’s eyebrows rose. “What are you talking about?”

   “Me and Paul, we went to see a hypnotist perform at a club last night. Paul wanted to try it, so he went up on stage. I didn’t. I thought the guy was too young to know what he was doing – hell, he didn’t look that much older than us - but I was wrong. Next thing I know, I’m back stage with Paul, no clue how I got there or what I’ve been up to, and the hypnotist is shaking my hand and thanking me for my participation.”

   Paul added, “He did give us a video, but it was just a souvenir tape of the show we were in.”

   Jason was thinking a mile a minute. “Can I see that tape?”

   “Sure, Bro.” Josh was trying to pretend that things were returning to normal. Any topic was better than dealing with why he had come out of a memory blank to find himself butt-naked beside his roommate. “I think it’s still in the VCR.” He popped eject, took a cursory glance at the tape that emerged, and said, “Yeah, that’s it. Funny stuff! We watched it this afternoon…” Josh’s voice trailed off as the thought developed. “Shit! Paul, do you remember anything since we started watching that tape?”

   “No, nada.” Paul looked very alarmed.

   Josh slammed the tape back into the machine and hit rewind. After a couple of moments, he turned the TV on and switched to play. Immediately the seductive spiral blossomed back onto the screen.

   Once again, Jason found his eyes, very much against his will, drawn irresistibly to the center of the display, his thought processes growing vague and disjointed. “T-turn that damned thing off,” he gasped, wrenching his gaze away. But Josh and Paul were already staring helplessly at the screen, motionless, slack-faced zombies, their jeans bulging with their newly resurgent erections. Moving as though in a nightmare, Jason managed to fumble the power off, without looking at the TV again. Then he shook and slapped the two hypno-victims until they again returned to consciousness.

   Josh pushed him away. “What the hell are you doin’, Jase? And when did you get here?” He and Paul, obviously having no memory of the recent events, were once again completely unaware of the video’s true nature or of its effect on them.

   Jason sighed and began to fill them in all over again, adding his own conclusions concerning why (some sort of kinky sexual programming) and who (naturally, the sneaky hypnotist). By the time he finished his explanation, both Josh and Paul were at full boil. “That sick bastard!” Josh raged. Paul growled, “Maricòn! I’ll kill him with my bare hands!”

   They were yelling and cursing with such fervor that they barely heard the phone ringing. Finally, almost as a reflex, Paul snatched it up. “Morales, “ he snapped, “This isn’t a good time.” Then, suddenly, in a much softer voice, he said, “Yes…” After a further brief pause, he held the receiver out to Josh.

   Something about the fiery Latino’s sudden, unexplained emotional one-eighty made Jason very uneasy. “Don’t take it, Bro,” he begged. But the phone was already at Josh’s ear, his face already going blank and expressionless, as he, too, answered softly, “Yes…” Jason leaned in next to the phone and heard a youngish, male voice (made tinny by the distance of his ear from the receiver, it could have been another college student, but definitely wasn’t) say, “You will come to me now.” Then the connection went dead. Josh, moving like a puppet, hung up and followed his oblivious roommate, already headed toward the door. And this time, nothing Jason could do or say had the slightest effect. Both obviously entranced young men, focused exclusively on their programmed orders, ignored his presence completely as they drifted dreamily (but unfazed) out the front door. Pausing only long enough to grab the video out of the VCR and stomp it to pieces, Jason dashed after them. He was going to fix that pervert hypnotist freak and rescue his beloved brother, or die trying!

   Under other, better circumstances, Jason would have enjoyed the walk through the beautiful old campus. As it was, all his attention was focused on keeping track of his brother and Paul - not that it was particularly hard to do. Since they took absolutely no notice of him, moving along slowly but steadily, like well-maintained automatons, he was able to walk right along beside them. Jason’s biggest worry was that they might be heading for a car, so he kept himself on the alert for taxis, should he suddenly need one.

   His luck held, however, and the two hypno-zombies continued their dreamy progress off campus and through the adjacent neighborhood until they came to an apartment complex about a half a mile farther. Paul, still in the lead by a pace or two, punched one of the buzzers (Jason couldn’t see which) and, at the answering buzz, pushed the door open. The three boys, Jason lagging cautiously behind, climbed the stairs to the third floor, where they proceeded to a door just off the landing. Like a mechanical man, Josh knocked slowly on the door, conveniently creating the opportunity for Jason to get out of sight to the side before it opened.

   “Joshua, Paul, come in.” It was the same voice (minus the tinny quality) that Jason had overheard on the phone. Without hesitating he pushed past his oblivious brother and launched himself at the owner of the voice. It appeared to be no contest. The mysterious hypnotist was indeed young, just as Josh had said, and, although fit and trim, was neither large nor particularly muscular. Jason had knocked him to the floor before he had any time to react. But instead of cowering (or even struggling, really), the hypnotist said, “Josh, Paul, get him off of me and hold him.” The two previously unconcerned boys were on Jason in an instant. Josh and Paul were the stars of the freshman wrestling squad, so, tough and angry though he was, Jason didn’t stand a chance. In seconds he was pinned, helpless, in an armchair and the hypnotist was free.

   “Well now, who have we here?” the hypnotist sounded almost amused. Jason struggled to no avail, looking daggers at him, and refused to answer.

   Josh and Paul, though, dutifully spoke right up, “My brother, Jason,” and, “Josh’s brother.”

   “So, Jason, then. Very well, welcome to my house, Jason. I’m Scott Thorpe, and, as you must have already gathered, since you are here obviously in some sort of ill-considered rescue attempt, I’m a hypnotist. I’ve taken control of your brother and his friend for the time being, and plan to have a very good time with them, whether you like it or not. I enjoy handsome young men, and my show presents me with excellent opportunities for obtaining them. Oh, by the way,” he added, “Josh, Paul, continue to go deeper into trance as you hold Jason.”

   “Yes, sir.” The hypnotized boys’ eyes closed and their heads sagged forward, but their grip didn’t relax a fraction.

   “You, however, present something of a problem for me,” Scott continued. “I’m rather curious, though. Exactly why are you here?” At Jason’s furious glare, the hypnotist chuckled, “Oh, I know you’re here to kick my ass and make me release your brother and his friend from my ‘evil spell’, but I meant, specifically why are you here now? How did you figure out that they might need rescuing?”

   Jason tried again to break free, but it was useless. He might as well have been chained in place. “I walked in on ’em, you piece of shit,” he spat. “They were qu…,” Jason almost choked on the word, “Queering each other while they sat watching your fuckin’ tape like fuckin’ zombies!”

   “What tape was that?” Scott still sounded unabashed, his voice soft and amiable.

   “The fuckin’ hypno-tape. The one with the spiral thingy that… that… pulsed… kind of…” As before, recalling the image to his mind seemed to have an oddly disruptive effect on Jason’s focus. He felt a little bit as he had felt when he was actually looking at the damn thing – strangely drained and passive. He struggled back from the memory. “They were staring at it without blinking, and I couldn’t wake ’em up until I turned it off. As soon as they came around, we figured out what you were up to, you sick fuck.”

   “So you saw a tape.” Scott hadn’t missed Jason’s telltale momentary lapse. The hypnotist’s voice grew even softer and smoother. “I have a number of very hypnotic tapes. Which one was this?” Of course, he knew exactly what was on the tape, but he wanted to get Jason thinking of it again.

   “What the fuck difference does it make?” Jason snarled belligerently. “It was a red spiral… kind of dark red… dark red…” He felt himself slipping back into reverie.

   “A special dark red spiral,” Scott prompted softly, “A spiral that pulsed so slowly as it turned and spun… turned and spun…” The hypnotist’s voice was as smooth and soothing as a lullaby.

   “It… pulsed…” Jason echoed thickly.

   “Yes, it pulsed and it spun, drawing you into the center… the warm, safe center… spinning and pulsing… so soothing… so safe… so-o-o relaxing… pulsing like the beat of your heart… the beat of your heart when you are tired… when you are falling asleep… falling asleep… And you could understand why your brother was looking at it… why he couldn’t stop looking at it… so irresistible to look at the spiral… so impossible to look away… so relaxing and sleepy…”

   Jason was like a deer caught in headlights. Had he realized it, the initial dose of the hypno-tape he’d absorbed as he’d stood there riveted by the video (laden as it was with subliminal suggestions and trance-reinforcement) had been closer to ten minutes than to the one or two he believed. Like his brother, Jason was very hypnotizable, and that first exposure had left him especially vulnerable now. It was, in part, the reason that even the mere memory of the image was so compelling.

   “You know,” Scott continued, his voice ever more rhythmic, mesmerizing, “A lot of boys find a spiral like that very relaxing… Even boys who may think they won’t be hypnotized… won’t go under… look at a sleepy spiral… listen to my voice… so soft… so soothing… so sleepy… getting so tired… just like your brother… he wasn’t going to be hypnotized… he was just going to watch and listen… watch and listen, Jason… and it’s so relaxing… he never realized… never resisted… until he was deep in trance, Jason… deep in trance… so relaxed… mind blank… body limp and heavy… going fast asleep… fast asleep… deeper and deeper… just like that, Jason…”

   Scott knew he had the boy. Jason’s head was lolling uncontrolled, his eyes were nearly closed (with nothing but white visible in the tiny crack that remained open), his breathing had slowed and grown as completely even as a mechanical pump. Only the pinioning grip of his two entranced captors kept him from collapsing completely and sliding out of the chair.

   The hypnotist’s voice grew more commanding. “Close your eyes now, Jason… deep, deep asleep. You can’t move unless I order it… you can’t wake until I tell you to… you can’t form any thoughts other than what I suggest… you are forgetting everything about me except the sound of my voice… the sound you must always obey… Do you understand?”

   “I understand.” Jason’s drowsy murmur was a world away from his previous raging.

   “To prove to me how completely you are under my control, you will forget your name… it’s fading… fading… and now it’s gone. What is your name?”

   In spite of his growing helplessness, something deep in Jason was still struggling to resist the shackles being placed on his mind and will. He wasn’t about to forget his name… he wouldn’t do it… he wouldn’t… he… so hard to think… His name was… was… he almost had it… it was…..

   Scott’s voice broke in upon him again, scattering his sluggish thoughts like a school of fish when a pebble is tossed into the pond. “Your name is Jason.”

   Yes, that was right. His name was Jason; he wouldn’t forget it again. An illogical feeling of relief and well-being allowed the last fragments of Jason’s consciousness and free will to melt quietly away unnoticed. Completely spellbound now, he waited passively for the hypnotist’s next command, meditating contentedly on his regained identity.

   “Paul, Josh, you may release Jason. He’s no longer a threat. Go sit on the couch.” The restraining hands fell away, and Jason was free, but he didn’t stir. Of course he wouldn’t move; he hadn’t been told to!

    With the would-be hero neutralized, Scott was able to return to his original agenda for the afternoon’s entertainment, now augmented by the addition of the cute high school hunk. “Remain deeply asleep, Jason, Josh, Paul, going deeper with each breath, each sound, each heartbeat; but open your eyes and sit up.”

   Jason obeyed so readily that it would have astonished him, had he still been capable of surprise. He could look around now, but nothing he saw had much meaning to his clouded perception. It was just a room… a couple of guys sitting motionless on a couch, staring vaguely at nothing in particular… they were nice-looking guys, he thought dimly. Did he know them? Oh well, if it were important, the voice would tell him… In the meantime, Jason just continued to drift, enjoying the cozy feel of his wonderfully relaxed body.

   Scott surveyed his handiwork with satisfaction. He had found that, in general, although three-ways were quite manageable (and a lot of fun), four-ways were, for the most part, impractical, so he had a choice to make: which of the three peacefully zoned-out young hunks would be his playmate, and which would play with each other as a kind of live fuck film for his warm-up? The hypnotist was willing to take his time in the selection. To aid in the decision, he decided he wanted more information. “Boys, it’s uncomfortably hot in here. You really need to be cooler. Go ahead and take off your shirts, shoes, and socks.” Before Scott had even finished speaking, the young men were beginning to shift in their seats uncomfortably, and in short order they were shedding the items the hypnotist had named.

   “There, that’s much better, isn’t it?” Scott said encouragingly. Sleepy grunts of agreement came from his subjects. He undressed himself as he continued to compare one spellbound lad to another. All three boys were extremely cute, very much his type, and more than deeply enough under his control for anything he might wish to suggest to them. Jason had led in the disrobing, which would seem to mark him as the most suggestible of the three, but the hypnotist nonetheless found himself inclining towards Paul as his choice. There was something about the particularly innocent quality of helplessness in the handsome young wrestler’s glazed expression that was really getting to him. Furthermore, as he thought about it, it occurred to Scott that it would tickle his perverse sense of fun to turn the two straight brothers into mindless, incestuous fuck-buddies – maybe with something a little kinky added as well? The decision made, he began to play.

   “Josh, you can’t move a muscle. You can only sit there, completely relaxed and helpless, going deeper and deeper, allowing anything at all to be done to you. Isn’t that so?” The limp, shirtless young man said nothing, which Scott took as a “Yes”. “Jason, you will remove all of the rest of your clothes,” he continued.

   Jason, who, up until this point, had been accepting the suggestions, for some time, without thinking at all, had a brief flicker of awareness. Take off the rest of his clothes? That didn’t seem right. But by the time his sluggish mind had inched its way through this thought, his obedient body had already finished following the hypnotist’s order, and he stood in all his natural glory, unable to do a thing about it. The fog closed back in, and he again ceased to worry.

   “Jason, look at your brother’s feet.”

   Jason’s eyes automatically went where they were directed. “Ok, so what?” he thought vaguely.

   “You can’t take your eyes off those feet, Jason; they’re the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen. Josh’s feet seem to draw you to them… irresistibly… you must get closer… must touch them… smell them… taste them…” Scott stifled the evil chuckle that was trying to emerge, and watched the boy’s face closely for signs of rebellion.

   Once again, Jason was caught. His initial reaction had been, “Ridiculous! Feet aren’t sexy!” but there was something about his brother’s feet that seemed… well… different. He inched closer, his eyes locked on the healthy, pink soles, the strong yet elegant arch, the perfectly articulated toes of those big, masculine feet. Jason’s lips unconsciously parted, as though to admit one of the plump big toes, and he knelt to get a closer look. As if acting on its own, his right hand reached out to stroke Josh’s feet. They felt… felt… Jason couldn’t exactly describe it to himself, particularly since his brain was so sleepy and fogbound, but they felt good, and his cock began to harden.

   The hypnotist, seeing the teen’s developing erection, felt like giving himself a high five. This was going to work perfectly! “Get closer, Jason,” he commanded. “Smell the essence of your brother’s feet. Inhale it deeply… make it part of you.”

   The high schooler helplessly brought his face as close as he could, and sniffed. Josh’s feet were a little rich with boy sweat and sneaker smell, and Jason’s nose wrinkled. He was about to turn away when the hypnotist’s voice took control again. “That’s the sexiest smell in the world. It’s the strongest aphrodisiac… one whiff and you’re out of control… sex-crazed… completely unable to stop yourself. You have to lick and suck, to rub you face over those feet… you have to rub your cock all over them… have to use them to masturbate… have to cum all over your brother’s feet. And all the while you’re going deeper into trance.”

   Like a cat with catnip (or perhaps the gym teacher, Miss Honeywell, in the scene from the comedy classic “Porky’s”, who became a raving, screaming sex maniac at the first whiff of the boy’s locker room), Jason went nuts. Suddenly he just couldn’t get enough of those feet and that smell. His cock was so hard it almost hurt, and sticky with pre-cum. He was rolling on the floor in his efforts to bury his nose between Josh’s toes, to suck and lick each one.

   It wasn’t enough. Picking up one of those limp feet, Jason began to it all over his face. “Better,” he thought dimly, as his free hand feverishly stroked his hard-on, “but there’s still something…” He needed to cum… badly, but he couldn’t quite get off. In desperation, he reversed his position and began to rub his aching cock against the sole. It was like a bolt of lightening going through his body. Oh, man, what a rush! That was what he’d needed! Jason’s orgasm roared through him like a freight train, and he covered his brother’s size-elevens with spurt after spurt of his cum. Then he lay back, breathing hard, a goofy, satisfied smile on his trance-foolish face.

   “You aren’t finished, Jason. You need to make sure that your cum is all over your brother’s feet. Use your face to spread it and work it in. You want his feet to be sticky!” At the sound Scott’s voice, Jason went instantly into hypno-obedient mode. Between the total relaxation from his post-orgasmic endorphins, and the (as per orders) constantly deepening trance state, he was no longer capable of any evaluation… only swift, unthinking compliance. One minute later, his handsome face was covered with slicks of his own cum, and his brother’s feet were shiny and damp.

   The hypnotist went in for the kill. “From now on, Jason, your greatest sexual fetish will be your brother and his feet. You can’t even get hard, let alone cum, except by thinking of them, or touching them. Josh can control you completely just by using his feet… they seduce you… they hypnotize you. You will do anything for Josh’s feet! Say it.”

   “I will do anything for Josh’s feet,” the helpless teen robotically repeated his doom.

   “Now sleep! Go deeper… deeper…” Jason slumped to the floor, out like a light.

   Josh, normally rather ticklish, had sat without stirring, just as commanded, through this whole episode, his hypnosis growing more and more profound. Now Scott was ready for his star turn. “Josh, your brother Jason is now totally sexually enslaved by your feet. He’ll do anything to be allowed to see, smell, taste, or touch them. You can’t imagine that, can you? Oh, you may speak and move again, as I order.”

   “I can’t imagine that.” Josh was a hypnotized parrot.

   “It gives you great power over your brother… great power. You can control his mind and his body… and you will want to! Look at your little brother, Josh.” Just as Jason before, now Josh found his eyes locked on the spectacle of his handsome naked brother, helplessly entranced, fast asleep on the floor. “Jason is very handsome, isn’t he?”

   “Yes…” Josh hadn’t really thought about it before, but he knew his kid brother was a chick-magnet… just as he himself was.

   “And he’s very sexy. He turns you on, doesn’t he?” the smoothly insinuating voice sent Josh’s feeble thoughts flying. Suddenly he found himself looking, really looking, at Jason: the handsome, blank, sleeping face… the broad shoulders, narrow waist, and six-pack stomach… the strong, slim legs… the… Josh’s dick was straining against his fly. “You want to fuck him, don’t you? You want to fuck your baby brother. And from now on, he’s the only person you have any real sexual interest in… only Jason… no one else…” Scott watched as the intensity of Josh’s spellbound gaze grew. “You will always want to fuck him, any time, any place, whenever possible, and as long as you allow him to worship your feet, he’ll be compelled to let you.” Josh was squirming and breathing hard, now, so Scott administered the coup de grace. “Take off your clothes and have sex with Jason now, Josh… And, Jason, your brother’s feet want you to serve him. Open your eyes, still deeply hypnotized, and obey.”

   Scott watched only long enough to be sure that no further hypnotic suggestion was required, but there were no glitches. Josh helped his brother to stand, and then began to devour his mouth, Jason offering no resistance. Soon Josh had pushed Jason down onto his knees. He rubbed one foot against his brother’s thigh, making Jason shiver with pleasure, and in short order, Josh was receiving a blowjob from the brother who could deny him nothing. Once his cock was well moistened, he pulled out, repositioned Jason for a good ass-fucking, and drove his erection home. The hypnotist left them to it (it was, after all, his party, and he was ready for some of his own action), and walked over to Paul, still seated on the couch, staring vacantly at nothing.

   “Paul, take off the rest of your clothes.” The pretty Latino obeyed unhesitatingly and then sat down again. “Paul, do you remember my show last night?”

   “No, sir,” Paul answered quietly. “I just remember going up on stage because I wanted to try being hypnotized, and then waking up back stage afterwards.”

   “When I touch your forehead, Paul, you will remember the show, but you will not remember anything else I instructed you to forget.” Scott brushed his thumb across the soft skin of the young man’s forehead. “Now, what do you remember of the show?”

   “I remember looking at the tip of your finger, and listening to you telling me to relax and concentrate… and then I couldn’t seem to think for myself anymore. I remember being hot when you told me to be, and cold, and…” The deeply hypnotized boy proceeded to give a blow-by-blow description of his experience on Scott’s stage. When he reached, “I remember being six years old again,” the hypnotist stopped him.

   “Yes, you remember that I made you six years old. You remember what it was like when you were six… such a nice little boy… so well-behaved and polite… so happy and contented… you liked being six… and you are six years old now… six years old and very obedient, aren’t you?”

   “Sí, papa.” Paul suddenly sounded very young.

   “And because you are such a good boy, Paolito, I have a candy stick for you. Close you eyes and open your mouth, hijo.” Paul did as he was told, screwing his eyes tightly shut with all the eagerness of a little kid. “You won’t open your eyes again until I tell you to. And you won’t use your teeth on your candy at all; you’ll just lick and suck it, because it’s hard candy and you know that biting down would hurt.” Scott aimed his throbbing erection adding, “It’s your favorite flavor,” as he slid it between Paul’s waiting lips.

    As he enjoyed the handsome young wrestler’s busy mouth, Scott thought to himself, “Paul sure does like his candy!” The man/boy was sucking avidly, making little moaning sounds of pleasure (the vibrations of which were greatly increasing the hypnotist’s pleasure). He fondled Paul’s neck and ears as he gently took control of the pace. The innocent, helpless rapture on the entranced Latino’s face as he sucked was really getting to Scott, and he needed to slow things down a little if he wanted to stay the course.

   When he had regained some degree of self-control, the hypnotist looked over to see how his other subjects were doing. He was just in time to see Josh, his blank, hypnotized face flushed with effort, pull his cock from his brother’s butt. Josh hoarsely commanded Jason to lie on his back, and then, with a few swift strokes of his hand, he shot an enormous load all over his brother’s face. He stood panting above the supine boy, and then gently, with one foot, he smeared his cum over Jason’s nose and mouth. Jason groaned with lust, and his dick twitched. So soon after his previous climax, there was little for him to spill, but it was obvious from the few tiny squirts, that he was having another spontaneous orgasm.

   That was it for Scott. His attempts at maintaining his cool were shattered. He barely had time to say, “Poalo, you’ve sucked your way down to the creamy center of the candy; get ready for it; it’s the most delicious part,” before he could no longer utter coherent sentences. The hypnotist, accustomed though he was to extremely satisfying sex (as, of course, he would be, being able to manipulate every aspect of it through his hypnotic suggestions), still felt that this orgasm had to rate as one of the best. Paul was sucking as though life depended on it, and Scott came so hard and so long, he almost feared for his heart. He pulled his cock from Paul’s mouth, gasping, “The candy’s all finished, Paolito, and you feel very satisfied,” and then he collapsed onto the couch panting and shaking with the aftermath. Paul sat motionless, a sleepy little smile on his wide-open face, a tiny, tiny trickle of cum at the edge of his pretty mouth.

   When Scott could focus his eyes again, and trust his voice, he sat back up and took stock of the situation. Jason and Josh were in exactly the same positions they had been when he’d last checked, their faces now completely empty of expression. It was as if they had frozen into mannequins, with neither any awareness of their surroundings, nor of the passage of time. “Fine,” he thought, “They’ll hold as they are for a moment.” He looked at Paul, blank and mesmerized next to him on the couch. That sexy mouth, with the little drizzle in the corner was calling to him. “And anyway,” Scott mused,” I haven’t made him cum yet.”

   “Paolo, you are no longer six years old. You are coming forward through time, until you are your present age again. You are all grown up, Paul… all grown up. How old are you now, Paul?”

   “’M nineteen…” Paul mumbled sleepily.

   “Paul, you are so deeply hypnotized now, that you can’t resist anything… can’t resist… can’t disobey… can’t even think… I am going to kiss you, and when I do you’ll become so sexually excited that you’ll cum without even touching yourself. You can’t help it… you’ll just have to…” Scott fastened his mouth on Paul’s succulent, moist lips, tasting the remnants of his own juice, and began to french him thoroughly. He felt the tremors shoot through the helpless boy. Apparently Paul hadn’t had any action in a while, because, as the hypnotist reached down one hand to explore his victim’s crotch, it was literally swimming in cum. Scott guessed it to be nearly twice the kid’s usual output. He finished his kiss in a leisurely manner, and then commanded, “Paul, you’ve made a mess of your crotch. I want you to spread that wet stuff all over your chest and face until you are dry. You’ll do that for me, won’t you.” His inflection made it clear it wasn’t a question, and the hypnotized Latino wasted no time in complying. Soon his beautiful, nearly hairless chest and his sweet, vacant face were as shiny as though they’d been shellacked.

   Scott finished cleaning himself up, put his clothes back on, and then set about righting his subjects. First, they were ordered to get dressed again. The hypnotist did not offer them towels; he wanted these helpless boys sticky and smelling of sex when they woke up. Then, Scott began the trickier process of covering his tracks and setting up the post-hypnotic conditioning.

   First, of course, he very carefully made certain that none of the three would be able to remember anything about the afternoon’s activities. Once the boys left Scott’s apartment, they wouldn’t know they’d ever been there, and their only recollection of the hypnotist would be in the context of his stage presentation. This was, by now, standard procedure for Scott, and not difficult with young men as hypnotically helpless as he routinely rendered his playmates. The more interesting (and complicated) part of the hypnotist’s process, was deciding how much he could get away with messing in their long-term behavior, and then doing it.

   “Jason, do you live here in town?”

   “No, sir. I’m just here to visit my brother and check out the university to see if I want to come here in the fall.” While answering, Jason had staggered sleepily to his feet, as if accessing some dim memory of prep school classroom etiquette.

   “Well,” thought Scott, “I’d better re-examine that exclusivity thing I set up with the brothers. They’ll go crazy if they aren’t in the same city!” “Jason, Josh,” he said, “I want you to listen very carefully. Although you are still completely into each other sexually (you, Jason, obsessed and controlled by Josh’s feet, and you, Josh, totally in lust for your brother’s body), you now will find that you can be excited by, and make do with, other handsome young guys if your brother isn’t available. You will also be able to become highly aroused in the case of a three-way with your brother and some other boy. Do you understand?” Both brothers nodded with exaggerated seriousness, the way little kids will do, to convince someone of their sincerity. “For example,” Scott continued, “You will both find Paul to be a completely acceptable partner for sexual activity. As a matter of fact, when I awaken you, you’ll be so horny that you’ll be in a great hurry to get back to your apartment to have a three-way. And Paul, you will find that you will go along with whatever Josh or Jason wants of you; you won’t have any say in the matter. It will be just as it is now, while you are under such deep hypnosis. You’ll obey any suggestion or order they give without questioning it; you’ll participate in any activity they care to initiate without any ability to consider or resist. From now on, you are their helpless toy. You have control of your own will only when they don’t require you, and you will never have any memory of what goes on while Josh or Jason is in control.” This set of concepts was quite involved, so Scott repeated it all several times, making Paul repeat it as well, to be certain the suggestions were taking hold. He also made sure that Josh and Jason would be aware that Paul was their mind-controlled sex slave, and be post-hypnotically compelled to exercise that control frequently.

   Finally, just before waking the boys, Scott remembered to add, “Oh, yes. You will all three continue to watch my hypnotic videotape at least once a day. You will watch it, go deep into trance, and then review all of your programmed suggestions to keep them current, before you awake again. And while you do this, you will masturbate, either yourself, if you are alone, or each other, if you are together. Agreed?” It wasn’t really a question. Josh and Paul nodded like idiots, but Jason squirmed, and the hypnotist could see stress developing in his expression. “Jason, why don’t you agree to watch the tape?” he asked in a soothing voice.

   “I smashed it,” the hypnotized youth mumbled uncomfortably.

   Scott smiled. “No problem. I have lots of them. Here’s one to replace the tape you destroyed, and another for you to take back home with you when you go.” Jason’s facial expression instantly relaxed back into vapid contentment as he accepted the two new copies, and the hypnotist, noticing it, added, “There now, you feel so much better getting that settled. It makes you relax even deeper into hypnosis, doesn’t it?” He didn’t wait for Jason’s sleepy agreement, but went right on, “Deeper and deeper into hypnosis… deeper and deeper… and all of the suggestions I’ve given you get even stronger… more and more compulsive… more and more irresistible.” Jason was staring at him now, his expression growing even blanker (much to Scott’s pleased surprise, as he couldn’t have imagined that was possible without seeing it); a department store dummy would have looked more aware! The boy truly was a virtuoso trance subject, and the hypnotist made a spur-of-the-moment decision not to lose contact with him. “Jason, here is a card with my telephone number on it,” he said. “You won’t remember whose number it is, but you’ll be careful not to lose it. A few times every month, you’ll feel compelled to call that number collect. You won’t know whose number it is, nor why you’re calling it, but you will call, and you won’t remember afterwards that you did. As soon as you hear my voice say ‘Deep sleep, Jason’, you will instantly be back in deepest hypnosis, even deeper than you are now, ready to follow my orders. And, Jason, you will want to attend college here; you won’t even consider going anywhere else!”

   At Scott’s insistence, Jason also repeated this more involved set of hypnotic orders. Then the hypnotist said, “Jason, Josh, Paul, I will count to three, and you will leave here. Once you are on the street and away from this apartment building, you will return to your normal consciousness. All the suggestions I have given you will continue in full force, completely beyond any ability you may possess to resist. One, two, three!



   This friggin’ campus tour had gone on long enough! Josh’s dick was hard in his jeans (fortunately loose enough to conceal that fact somewhat), and Paul’s hard little butt in his (tighter) jeans, flexing temptingly as he walked just ahead of the two brothers, was making him crazy. And from the bulge he could see developing in his baby brother’s pants, Josh was pretty sure that the kid was thinking the same thing. He caught Jason’s eye, raising his eyebrows in a silent question. The younger boy nodded eagerly, his jeans tenting further.

   “Paul, time to go home.” Like a toy soldier, the handsome Latino made a perfect about-face and headed in the new direction…



